Rotary Screw Compressor Sales and Service
Unlike piston compressors, in screw air compressors, there are no valves or other mechanical forces that can cause unbalance. This allows a rotary screw compressor to operate at high speeds while combining a large flow rate with small exterior dimensions.
The ideal applications of rotary air compressors are continuous, workplace and industrial applications. There are two primary versions, oil-free and oil-injected, with options of fixed speed or variable speed drive operation.
Atlas Copco G Series Rotary Screw Compressors
Atlas Copco’s oil-injected rotary screw G compressors are powerful and reliable industrial screw compressors. Built from high-quality components and materials, they provide a reliable source of high-quality air in temperatures up to 46°C / 115°F. The compressors are compact, flexible and available in various versions depending on size:
- floor mounted
- tank mounted
- with or without integrated dryer
Atlas Copco GA (VSD) Oil-Injected Screw Compressors Series
The GA oil-injected screw compressors bring industry-leading performance, flexible operation and high productivity, reduced enargy costs at a minimal cost of ownership. A wide range of compressors enables you to find the air solution that perfectly matches your specific requirements. Built to perform in even the harshest environments, an Atlas Copco GA keeps your production running efficiently.
GR Two-Stage Rotary Screw
GA oil-injected compressors provide a reliable air supply of up to 20 bar for high pressure applications in the toughest working conditions.
- reduce operating costs
- advanced design and high-quality materials
- optimal control and efficiency with the Elektronikon® MK5
- patented high-efficiency two stage rotary screw compressors
- reliable operation in hot and dusty environments IP54 Motor, large oversized cooler blocks
- reduced environmental impact low noise levels